Mandy now Beatrix
ID# C-16-383

8 year old • Female

All About Me

Mandy is an adorable little pixie type Calico kitten, a polydactal with 6 toes! Such a special girl. Take a look at her front paws.

Mandy is very playful and cuddly. Raised as a bottle baby with her brother Malcolm, she is very well socialized and loves to curl up on your lap for a nap and some cuddles. Mandy is a little more independent and curious than her brother and she plays well with other cats, kittens and kids ok. Mandy is ready for pre-adoption with her brother Malcolm.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Yes


Mandy and her brother Malcolm were found in an elderly woman's yard without their mom at 4 weeks of age after Hurricane Matthew blew through.
