9 year old • Male
A handsome brown tabby with a unique spotty coat and bright green eyes. He has the physique of a snow leopard and a fantastic long tail like one too!
<p>Click <a href="https://goo.gl/photos/hWmJu7jqWGrbcK537">here</a> for more photos of Prince!</p> Prince is a giant flirt and nothing much scares him, not even the vacuum cleaner! As soon as you look his way, he chirps or rolls onto his back to show you his belly. He is definitely a charmer! </p> <p>He enjoys following us around as we go about our day and will snuggle up on the bed at night. He can be adopted alone, but he would also love to be adopted with another kitty to play with! He loves to play with his pal Pippin (C-16-047; <a href="http://www.animalrescue.net/C-16-047">link</a>). The two of them together are evenly matched for friendly kitty wrestling and are endless entertainment! Contact IAR to visit this flirty boy!</p>
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Yes | |
Likes Young Kids | Unknown |
Prince was caught with his mother as a stray kitten. While he wasn't very friendly at first, he lived under an IAR volunteer's front porch and slowly got more and more friendly as he grew older. Eventually he was so friendly, we couldn't help but bring him inside and adopt him out to a loving home!