8 year old • Female
Portia is a petite black and white tuxedo kitten. She has white paws, a white chest, and a white belly. Her fur is soft and silky!
Portia is a playful and curious little gal who loves to engage with her toys. Her bright eyes light up when she spots one! Portia likes to be near her foster mom, and follows her around the house. Portia even comes running when she's called! When playtime ends, she seeks out her foster mom and asks for attention. She likes to be held and purrs when foster mom picks her up and pets her. It makes her so happy! Portia lives with other cats and two large dogs. More photos of Portia <a href="https://goo.gl/photos/uLMJn2r7xna8PtEMA">can be found here.</a>
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Yes | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |
Portia and her siblings were discovered in an attic after a contractor unknowing sealed them in and away from their mother. They were reunited with their mom by our volunteers and the whole family is now in foster care with IAR.