ID# C-16-277

8 year old • Female

All About Me

Elaine has unusual coloring! She is mostly white with varying shades of brown and golden brown. She has some tabby markings. She is adorableness x1000!

Elaine is a tiny slip of a kitten. She was orphaned as a single kitten at a very young age. She is playful and sweet and darling and she knows it. Elaine lives with several foster siblings, all bigger than she is except for her special kitten friend, Wyatt. They are best friends. Wyatt is the same small size as Elaine. Elaine was a tiny , tiny baby when her mom was killed so she was bottle fed and therefore very people focused and loves attention. She is a little doll! She is cuddly and playful and funny and sweet all rolled into one tiny cute package! Elaine would like to be adopted with her best friend Wyatt!

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Yes


Her mom died when Elaine was less than 3 weeks old
