9 year old • Male
Tweed is a beautiful, handsome, striking orange tabby with medium long silky fluffy fur! He is a gorgeous boy and he knows it.
Tweed is a love muffin who likes his siblings and playing but is also a mama's boy who enjoys a warm lap. He loves to cuddle with his siblings or his foster mom or dad. He is playful and active and loves toys or to wrestle with his favorite sibling, Corduroy! This litter of little beauties were rescued when their mama was hit by a car at only 2 weeks old. They were bottle fed and loved on and consequently are quite people focused and friendly as most bottle fed babies are. Won't you consider Tweed and his brother <a href="http://www.animalrescue.net/C-16-044" target="blank">Corduroy</a>? They are wonderful boys ready for their forever home.
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Yes | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |
Rescued from outside when mama cat was killed by a car at 2 weeks old.