ID# C-16-024

9 year old • Female

All About Me

Katherine is gray kitten with just a touch of black tiger stripes. She still has her kitten fuzz so its hard to know how long her hair will be as an adult. Katherine has a damaged eye and has very little sight in it.

Katherine loves life and loves being a kitten! She has a purr motor that is non-stop! She is very outgoing and hasn't met a person yet that she doesn't like, including the vet.<p>Katherine loves to touch noses and give kitten kisses! She is very curious and does try to get into things, though her best friend Vincent tries to keep her busy playing. <p>Katherine's damaged eye does not slow her down. She can keep up with Vincent in all aspects of playing including jumping and climbing. She is just a very fun loving kitten! Katherine has become very close friends to Vincent.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Unknown


Katherine came to a feeding station of an outside cat colony. The caregiver called a near by IAR volunteer to come rescue her. Katherine walked directly up to the volunteer and asked to be rescued.
