Pretty Girl
ID# C-15-400

16 year old • Female

All About Me

Pretty Girl is a declawed kitty who lives up to her name. She is a nicely proportioned calico with splashes of white all around. Big beautiful green eyes.

Pretty Girl is a sedate and gentle companion, such a lady! She likes being close to her foster Mom, and gladly settles beside her on the sofa for nice visiting. She has a sweet little meow and enjoys chatting, but is not "needy". She was so very glad to get inside after being on her own for a while. She was initially a little suspicious of her new surroundings, but she quickly settled in comfortably. Pretty Girl has excellent litter box manners and is the perfect house cat.

My Details
Likes Cats Unknown
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Unknown


Pretty Girl was living under cars and under bushes at a town home complex. As a declawed kitty out on her own, she was unable to find safe high ground. She was very grateful to find shelter in a screened porch until a foster home could be found for her. She had no identification and we were not able to find her people, so she is now available for adoption.
