Ivy (formerly
ID# C-15-381

9 year old • Female

All About Me

Short hair, grey & black mackerel/striped tabby. Lithe and agile little kitten!

Ivy is a fantastic kitten with so much personality. She loves chasing her tail, playing in a stream of water from the tap or shower, climbing into my lap and over my arms to "help" me type, wrestling with her sister, carrying toys all over the house to unexpected and hilarious places, and cuddling up at my neck. She got the nickname "shoulder kitty" as a baby because she loved climbing people to sit on shoulders - she's a bit big for that now, but still tries! She is a rambunctious but loving kitten. She has the tiniest meow - just a quiet "meep" - but a wonderful purr. Please adopt her with her sibling Penny; they are best friends and sleep, play, and eat together.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Unknown


Ivy and her littermates were found in bad shape as itty bitty kittens. They had terrible respiratory and eye infections, but got good care and now are happy and healthy and growing like weeds! Ivy had a huge polyp removed that was causing her to have trouble breathing when she was little, and has been a brand new kitten and so full of life ever since. They have been in their foster home since they were tiny and are very people-loving. Ivy is spayed, fully vaccinated, dewormed, and microchipped. Two siblings were recently adopted out together and I hope Penny and Ivy can be adopted together too!
