Autumn Joy
ID# C-15-363

9 year old • Female

All About Me

Autumn Joy is a shiny black kitten. Her fur is soft and plush, with lots of maroon undertones and just a hint of tabby stripes. She has bright copper eyes.

Autumn Joy is an uplifting kitten with the sweetest disposition. When her foster Mom first met her, she was a tiny kitten alone in a small cardboard box with no blanket. It sounded like the box was purring, and a little black nose was stuck inquiringly out of one of the air holes. She hitched a ride home and hasn't looked back. She is growing into a marvelous kitty. Autumn frequently makes biscuits and does this without using her claws, softly kneading when she is resting in your lap. Autumn has nice kitten energy, and enjoys chase games and racing around the house, but she is very chill for a 5 month old kitten, and will readily settle down in a lap, purring loudly to watch TV or read for hours. <br> <br>Autumn Joy has been forced to live with other foster kitties, but she really does not like other cats, and mostly she wants a human companion. She is the only young cat I have fostered that would clearly prefer to be adopted without a cat companion as long as she won't be alone too much, and her human companion will play some too. Autumn is a great kitten and has the promise to be a wonderful life companion. She has excellent litter box manners, is spayed, healthy and ready for her family.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Unknown


Autumn Joy was living alone at an apartment complex and was brought into a local store on the eve of Halloween.
