9 year old • Male
Sascha is a gorgeous medium-long haired gray kitten! He has cream colored 'eye liner' and a cream colored fluff on his chin and chest. He's got cute ear and toe tufts , too!
Sascha is a playful and sweet male kitten who was rescued and brought into IAR. He has adapted very quickly to indoor life with his foster family and gets along with the dogs and cats there as well as the other small foster kittens,he loves to play! He chases his sister Sooty and his brother Stig and pounces, jumps and leaps! He is fearless and agile. When he is tuckered out, he will sleep in his foster mom's arms for a short while and then he is back to his kitten games once again! he'd love to be adopted with his brother Stig, his sister Sooty or any other of the tiny kittens in his foster home. Lots to choose from. What a sweetheart!
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Yes | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |