Cinderella (aka Gracie)
ID# C-15-267

19 year old • Female

All About Me

Cinderella is an elegant and petite blue-point Siamese lady. At just over 6 pounds, she is a true pixie. In Siamese fashion, she is slightly cross-eyed, and ever so cute. She has very soft and thick fur. Her thick fur tends to mat so she requires regular brushing, which she enjoys.

Cinderella has a large personality in a very small body. Even though she is an older kitty, she has flashes of kittenish energy and loves to chase feather toys and balls. Most of her time is spent napping and relaxing on the softest bed or blanket available. Cinderella is a lap kitty and enjoys crawling up for a snuggle or to sit next to you. She is very engaging and seeks the attention of humans- she talks with a scratchy meow to emphasize her points but she is a little hard of hearing. She loves to be held and carried over your shoulder.<BR> Cinderella was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism after rescue, and was treated in December 2015 with radioactive iodine, which means that she is likely cured. She will need some follow up blood work this spring. <BR> Cinderella is a lady who knows her own mind- she loves being petted, but will let you know when she's had enough petting by flicking her tail, and if you persist, will lick your hand, and then if you still persist, will give an ever so gentle "kiss" with her teeth. Therefore, she needs a person who understands and appreciates her diva nature and may not be good with young kids. She seems to dislike other cats, and is seeking a home where she can be the only kitty. She recently spent a weekend in a home where there were two dogs, and she did not seem to mind them. She is a wonderful companion and will make a lucky person very happy!

My Details
Likes Cats No
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids No


Cinderella was found as a weary stray cat in a neighborhood. She literally crashed out in someone's garage during the worst of the summer heat, and it appeared that she had been on her own for some time. She was matted and dirty, with calloused feet, and appeared to be sick. It was soon discovered that she is hyperthyroid, which she has been treated for. She had a dental cleaning in November 2015. Otherwise, she appears in good shape for an older kitty.
