ID# C-15-228

9 year old • Male

All About Me

Tickle is an adorable ball of black and white fluff! He has gorgeous silky hair and a sparkle in his eye and a spring in his step! such a happy kitten!

Tickle is a little love! He is sweet and gentle and he enjoys being petted and held and loved on. He is also very active and playful and he likes to chase a feather or wand toy or a stuffed mouse or even the dog's tail. He gets along with all of the foster kittens in his home and enjoys romping and wrestling with foster brothers Cabot and Amos. He is active and adorable and a joy to have around. Tickle sleeps between his foster mom and dad in the bed and likes to be near his people when he is not busy playing. He likes to be loved on. Sweet and funny little monkey!

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Yes


Found outside in the community
