ID# C-15-180

9 year old • Male

All About Me

Bruce is a dark gray fellow, almost black but not quite. He has unique tabby stripes on his cheeks and is really unusual looking. Bruce is ADORABLE x1000. He resembles a fruit bat. He's a 'bat boy' hence the name Bruce (Wayne).

Bruce was found outside as a tiny kitten, dirty and hungry! He was rescued by an IAR volunteer and has been living happily indoors ever since. He is a very social boy, loves people and other cats and he gets along great with the dogs in his foster home, too. Bruce is a super hero, he is fearless. When he is not out fighting crime, he is buddied up with his BFF, Alfred. Bruce is a lap percher and has a very big purr. For such a little guy its hard to believe all that sound comes from one tiny kitten. Won't you take Bruce and Alfred home? Excellent buddies and so lively that there is no need for a tv.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Yes


Found outside in the community
