ID# C-14-094

10 year old • Male

All About Me

Hugh is a strikingly beautiful boy! His eyes are two different colors--blue and brown--and his face is a classic triangle. His body is lithe and strong. Hugh is a darling kitten and will be a handsome adult cat.

Hugh is part of a litter of five. His other four siblings have found their forever homes, and he's ready for his! A perfect fit for him would be another kitten or a playful cat 1 1/2 years or younger. Hugh is relaxed and friendly with other cats; he approached his foster family's big grey cat and tried to play with him right away! Hugh is a high energy boy who likes to run, explore and wrestle with his litter mates. He loves attention from his human companions and asks for it with a sweet mew. He's not a lap cat unless sleepy, but he likes to be held while looking out a window or playing with an up-high toy. If you pet his soft white fur, he happily lies down puppy style. If you're looking for a companion for your kitten or young cat, Hugh will be great match for both of you!

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Unknown


Hugh and his four litter mates were orphans, found under a porch at one week old. They were bottle fed and nurtured into the happy, friendly kittens they are today.
