10 year old • Male
Jackson is a gorgeous dark brown/gray tabby. He has wonderful markings and pretty coloring!
Jackson is the bravest of the Fab Five brothers, he frequently leads the charge when exploring new territory. He was the first of the brothers to march right up to the biggest dog in his foster home and go nose to nose. He shows almost no fear. He is cuddly and adorable and as sweet as can be.
Once he gets tired out, he is ready to be held and be a lap baby for a while, only to get all revved up and start the games all over again as kittens generally do! He would do great with any one of his brothers. Jackson is one of the Fab Five Kittens; born in a volunteer's bathroom the night after his mom arrived into the IAR program!
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Yes | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |