12 year old • Female
Twinkles has the softest shiniest fur ever. She is jet black with a small white locket and glowing green eyes. She is petite and dainty, and very neat in her habits.rn
Twinkles had a rough start in life, and is grateful to be a happy and healthy indoor cat. She is a very gentle little lady with a lovely disposition, in spite of the troubles she has endured. Twinkles and her siblings were put outside as very young kittens, and then left to fend for themselves when the family moved away. Her siblings essentially became feral cats, but Twinkles was clever enough to befriend a new neighbor who began to feed this little group. She was rescued last summer just in time to give birth to six kittens. Twinkles was a wonderful Mom, even though she was stuck nursing the kits for 12 weeks after they fell ill at weaning time. She did all of this without showing us that she had a fractured hip, which was only discovered after the kittens were weaned. She has undergone surgical treatment and recuperated well. She runs and plays joyfully with a small limp which is barely noticeable, and it just looks like a sassy walk. She loves to be near her people, and watches politely without being intrusive. She would appreciate a quiet home with a person or two to adore her. She loves window perches, her plush bed, and feather toys. She loves being brushed or petted and is a wonderful and undemanding companion. rnrn
My Details
Likes Cats | Unknown | |
Likes Dogs | Unknown | |
Likes Young Kids | Unknown |
Twinkles grew up outside and was rescued at about one year of age when she had kittens. She has done her job, and all kittens are healthy and adopted. Now Twinkles is ready for her forever family.