11 year old • Female
MoonBeam is a black and white tuxedo teenager. She has unusual markings, with a wide white stripe on her face and black spots on her white feet. She has rich amber gold eyes, large white whiskers, and is developing into a long, lean and elegant kitty.
MoonBeam's personality matches her name. Soft, delicate, and "genteel." MoonBeam clung tightly to her mother's side long after she was weaned, and is looking for a human to replace that bond. She enjoys playful kitten games, but she is the most quiet and laid back and lady-like of her bunch, and really wants a human companion. She is snuggly and affectionate, enjoys being held or sitting in a lap. Most amazingly, she hardly ever puts her claws out. When she recently stayed with a cat sitter for a few days, they marveled at how gentle she is when she stretches up and pats your leg to ask for pets. She seems to prefer a quiet sort of life, but one where she gets lots of attention. She would love to be adopted with her sister Vega or another young gentle cat for company.
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Unknown | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |
MoonBeam was born inside just after her mamma kitty was rescued. She has spent her whole life inside with people and other kittens, and as a result, is very social and well-adjusted.