Chameleon "Cami"[
ID# C-11-240R

13 year old • Female

All About Me

Chameleon is a beautiful gray-brown tabby with a dark stripe down the center of her back and along her tail. She is a "Hemingway" cat, and her poly-dactyl front paws make her steps looks like those of a chameleon, hence her name. Cami has a petite face and luxuriously soft fur.

Chameleon has a sweet, gentle disposition. She is happy to sit near you, follow along as you perform your household tasks, or is simply satisfied with gazing out the window. Chameleon also loves some good lap time! Bonus: If you are willing, she will happily hop onto your shoulders, drape herself like a shawl, and purr. She is not a dominant cat and is happy to watch other kitties as they play rather than join in directly. Chameleon would be happy as a single or as a companion cat. She is a lovely little soul who will return all the love and affection you give her!

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Yes


Chameleon was adopted from IAR two years ago as a young kitten. Due to a change in household members, one of whom could not reside with cats, she was reluctantly returned to us.
