ID# C-10-100R

14 year old • Male

All About Me

zorro is a brown tabby kitten.

Zorro is a beautiful brown tabby with an extra-large, fun personality. He has yet to meet a stranger (furry or not) or a toy he doesn't like. He is very curious and loves to explore new places, so if you don't keep a close eye on him you may find him playing or napping in your sock drawer! Zorro loves to be cuddled when he is not busy with his activities so, catch him when it's naptime or bedtime and there is nowhere he'd rather snooze than on you!

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Unknown


Zorro and his brother, Romeo, were released to IAR foster care from a local animal shelter when they were just 5 weeks old. They were adopted in June 2010 but have been returned because their 'mom' is too sick to take care of them.
