15 year old • Male
Kobi is the most handsome tabby with soft muted tabby stripes from head to toe! His coat is plush and silky. He has the cutest, and sweetest expressions in his inquisitive eyes.
Kobi's a handsome little man with a big heart. Very laid back, sweetest disposition, a perfect little gentleman. He funnily enough usually likes to follow his foster mommy's sleep schedule and loves to share nap times all snuggled up. He's a happy boy who comes running to greet you no matter when you come home and meows in greeting. Kobi loves to sit beside you and get cuddled, tummy-rubbed and play with his favorite toys. He's fantastic with kids and gets along well with other cats.
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Unknown | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |
Kobi and his brothers and sisters were born in the closet of their foster home! Mama cat was a feral kitty who lived on a neighboring dairy farm. She was scheduled to be spayed, but surprise! She was very ready to have kittens, and was not able to make her appointment. She and her kittens were cared for in their foster home until mama was able to wean her little ones. The Goat House Refuge, a beautiful feral cat sanctuary, was able to open their doors to this precious mama, who cared for her kittens with such patience and tenderness. The little kittens have been much loved and well socialized from birth and Kobi and his siblings are now ready to find wonderful adoptive homes.