ID# C-09-030

16 year old • Female

All About Me

Delicate and petite, silvery/blue/grey tabby with rich black "mackeral" markings, including spots on tummy; white paws, cute white markings around little black nose

Sweetie, or Sweet Face, is an absolute darling. Such a pretty little lady! She is very quiet, but quite an explorer and loves high places, such as shelves, and on top of her foster mother's desk (that is, on top of the papers!) She has adjusted well to her new foster siblings and her new home. Until now, she hadn't seen other cats except her own family and didn't know any human except her rescuer. She loves to sleep with her new foster mother at night and has shared the bed with one or more other cats. She is getting used to playing - no one had time to play with her before. She purrs when she's held close and would make a wonderful friend.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Unknown


Sweetie's mother was a stray in a very rural area. She was taken in by a kind lady and had five kittens! The nice lady kept Sweetie and her siblings as long as she could, until she became overwhelmed with responsibilities for her other animals and for the care of sick members of her human family. She turned to IAR for help to do the best for her cats that she loves.
