Atlas Hugged
ID# C-08-433

17 year old • Male

All About Me

Atlas is a rare and beautiful solid pale, pale orange color with a white bib, white feet and a tabby tale. He has light green eyes that along with his pretty coat and muscular build make him a strikingly handsome guy.

Atlas is perhaps the prettiest cat his foster mom has ever seen. But pretty isn't all that he is. He's also a lover (never a fighter). His foster mom nearly fell over when she brought him into her house for the first time and he jumped out of the carrier, rubbed up against her, ate some food and then jumped right into the litter box. He makes himself right at home. He's also the sweetest little cuddle bug. He loves to be scratched behind the ears. If you're looking for a cat that's mellow, doesn't need any adjustment time, loves people and cats (and can get along with a dog if he has to), loves using the litter box and hasn't attempted to scratch any furniture, Atlas is for you. Basically, he's the perfect package wrapped up in a muscular 14lb body. He's actually almost like a dog, he follows you around and talks to you. Mr. Hugges is puuurfect in every way.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Yes


Atlas was trapped as part of a "Trap, Neuter, Release" program, but because he kept trying to hug the vet staff he was deemed too civilized to go back to a feral colony. IAR rescued him and two others from the same location.
