ID# C-08-421

16 year old • Female

All About Me

Clementine is an adorable orange and white tabby girl with huge eyes.

Clementine is an inquisitive, friendly little cat. She loves to touch you with her paw if you are not giving her enough attention. She is a quiet girl, but is always busy finding new ways to have fun. She loves to play, jump, pounce and run with the other cats in her foster home. She also has a small vocabulary to let you know she is there: she trills, purrs and chirps. If you are looking for a cat that loves to curl up in your lap and sleep on the bed at night, Clementine is the cat for you.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Yes


Clementine came to the Durham APS when she was about one month old. She lived there in a cage by herself for two months, until she was claimed by IAR and taken away to foster care. She has blossomed by being in the company of other cats and people. She loves being part of a family and would love to find her forever home.
