ID# C-08-401

16 year old • Male

All About Me

Beau has some well-defined charcoal grey stipes over an undercoat of fawn. He is a lovely tabby.

Beau is all about enthusiasm! Why walk when you can sprint? why jump when you can bound? Why simply purr when you can lick and rub against your human? Beau loves everyone and everything in his life. He can tumble with a two-year-old, befriend lively dogs and rough-and-tumble with a cat twice his size. Curious and alert, Beau will be a great addition to any loving family.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Yes


Beau and his sister Bridgette were bottle-fed after their rescue, and have lived in foster homes with multiple cats, dogs and small children
