Charlotte Bronte
ID# C-08-376

16 year old • Female

All About Me

Charlotte is a beautiful snowshoe Siamese with light blue eyes and we think they are going to stay that color! We also think she's a little bit cross-eyed, but it makes her all the more cute!

Charlotte is the ring-leader of the Siamese Bronte sisters and also MUST be the center of attention! Her favorite thing to do is jump on the other cats and kittens in her foster household and then when they kitty-play with her (you know, pouncing back on her, etc), she squeals like they are hurting her. So her humans run into the room to find out what's going on and see her provoking-then-faking trick. She is really very amusing! She loves her humans and all the other cats in her foster family and purrs like crazy when she gets picked up and loved on. She is litter box trained and will be ready to go to her forever home as soon as she is fixed, probably around the end of October.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Yes


The Bronte sisters were taken from a community shelter the day after they arrived. Though they are named after writers of prose, we think these beauties look more like poetry.
