ID# C-08-241R

16 year old • Female

All About Me

Faith is a gorgeous tortie with a multitude of orange, white, and black – and every combination in the middle – in lots of stripes and spots.

Faith has never met a stranger! She's curious and loves to be right in the middle of everything. She's extremely affectionate and loves to give lots of kisses. She'll also give you love nibbles sometimes too. Faith chirps more than she meows, and has carried on full conversations, chirping back and forth. She loves to be around her brother Riley – they enjoy napping together and grooming each other, and occasionally create mischief together.

Faith is a lap cat – she's happiest when she's sitting right in your lap. Her owner called her the "nap buddy" – because every time her owner took a nap, Faith would hop up on top of her owner's legs to nap too. She's not shy about letting you know when she wants your attention, but doesn’t constantly need to be the center of attention either.

Faith has been around young kids, but not frequently, and not around kids who are not able to follow directions well (like toddlers or infants). She's also gotten along well with dogs when they were introduced properly. She has also lived with numerous foster kittens and she gets along with other cats with the proper introduction. She would love to be adopted with her brother Riley – she and Riley would be very lonely without each other.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Yes


Faith and her brother Riley were returned when their owner became disabled and could no longer care for them.
